Our PTA has many opportunities throughout the year for you to assist our teachers and students. All committees are very flexible and can accommodate as much or as little time as you are willing to volunteer. We are also always open to new ideas and suggestions on how to improve our organization. Please browse our committee descriptions to see where you can make a contribution. You CAN make a difference!
AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS – Rasha Alramahi, Jennifer Setting, and Melissa Logeman
We are looking for volunteers to help coordinate after school programs. This would include creating sign-ups for the registration, creating club lists, ensuring students arrive to the correct location of the club, and assisting with student pick up. Classes are one hour once a week for 4 to 6 weeks. Time commitment can vary and will be in the fall and winter.
BINGO – Michael Innamoroto,Tarrah Myers and Melissa Logeman
Throughout the year, we conduct fun-filled nights of bingo, food, and fun for the whole family. This has become a very popular Friday night out for many families. Bingo nights are held in the APC Gym on Friday nights with doors opening at 6:00 pm and games beginning at 6:30 pm. Bingo nights are held 3 times over the school year. We always need help with selling bingo cards and refreshments, set-up and clean-up, and providing donations. The time commitment is 3 times per year either through donations or helping at the event for 2-3 hours.
FUNDRAISING – Project Managers: Laurel Furlow and Dianne Cook
Chairs and Sub-Chairs: Ereka DiSanto, Jennifer Setting and Patti Stewart
Avonworth students are provided many wonderful opportunities that are funded by the money raised from the PTA fundraisers. It helps pay for field trips, assemblies and special events, and provides learning tools for the classroom, just to name a few. Your support of our fundraisers is vital to the success of the PTA’s programs. We need help with things such as copying forms, tallying orders, and sorting and distributing the items once they are delivered. The time commitment varies depending on the type of fundraiser…any help is appreciated. The Chair and Co-Chair will contact you with specifics of what they will need, and you can volunteer according to what your schedule allows.
LIBRARY/BOOK FAIR – Amanda Mason, Merett Southall and Lindsay Wolff
The library\book fair committee is a fantastic way to be involved in your child’s school. Whether you’re performing routine library duties, or helping with the book fairs, your efforts will be rewarded with the friendly smiles you encounter and the unique glimpse you get into the academic world of the students.
Library - Volunteers are needed to help the librarian at AES return books to the shelves on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Other duties may include cataloging new books, repairing damaged volumes, locating books for students, and assisting with special projects as needed. Volunteers are needed at APC to help with processing books and assisting with special projects as needed. Time Commitment: weekly, monthly, or occasionally as your schedule allows.
Book Fairs - The school sponsors several Scholastic book fairs during the school year. For one week in the fall and spring, students have the opportunity to shop and purchase books and other miscellaneous items. Profits are used to buy new books and fund other improvements to the library. Each book fair runs for one week during school hours, with each classroom being assigned a specific time to shop. Several volunteers are needed each day to help the children with their selections and to collect money. Volunteers are invited to sign up for any of several 2-hour shifts that are scheduled during the book fair. Time Commitment: at least one 2-hour shift during the week of the book fair.
KINDNESS - Megan Farrell, Jessica Hoover and Dana Faulkner
The Kindness Committee is a donation based committee that offers aid to families and individuals in our schools who need it. This committee includes Blessings in a Backpack, which provides non-perishable food to families in need each Friday, so they can have food for the weekend.
WINTER KID'S SHOP – Francesca Buckley and Jamie Matthews
A store will be set up in the school in December. This event lasts for one week during school hours, with each class being scheduled a specific time to shop. Students may purchase gifts for parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, and pets. All items are priced at $1.50. Volunteers are needed to help set up, help the children shop for the people on their list, collect money, wrap each gift (in a paper bag with a tag), and clean and pack supplies at the end of the week. Volunteers typically work in “shifts” either during the morning or afternoon sessions. You can volunteer as much or as little as you want. The schedule will be provided so you know when your child’s class will shop. The time commitment can vary.
STAFF APPRECIATION – Lindsay Wolff, Merett Southall and Amanda Mason
This is a donation based committee that is responsible for showing gratitude to the teachers and support staff at AES/APC. We have a few events throughout the school year to celebrate our teachers and staff and conclude the year with a week-long celebration during National Teacher Appreciation Week in May.
This committee organizes and plans our Kindergarten Welcome Nights. Events include Kindergarten Round Up, an Ice Cream Social and Scavenger Hunt, a Movie Night and the Kindergarten Welcome Party. Time commitment is 2-3 hours 3-4 times a year.
This committee assists Mrs. Croft (Art) and Mr. Henry (Music) in the Primary Center, as they prepare for the Art and Music show in the Spring. Volunteers are needed to assist Mrs. Croft with mounting artwork and displaying it in the halls for the Art Show. Volunteers will also be needed to help direct children during the Music Show. Time commitment varies.
The state of Pennsylvania now requires ALL school volunteers to obtain the following clearances: Act 34, Act 151, and Act 141 Fingerprint Clearances prior to volunteering for any PTA events, activities, school parties, field trips, etc. Once these clearances are obtained, please submit them to the school office.